Why we Started this

Our Story


The Goal

At the Balance Foundation, we are movers, shakers and connectors who want to see the youth in our city given equal opportunity to participate in sport and education, regardless of the circumstances they were born into.

We want to build communities that value young people so that in return, young people can provide value to their communities. That means providing access to mentorship, improving mental and physical health, getting the opportunity to interact with like-minded peers, to develop a skill set and a purpose, but most importantly to have fun and to grow.


Brett Wiese

In January 2013, Colton Lewis and Brett Wiese were viciously attacked while attending a private house party in Calgary, AB by two individuals whom they had never met before. Brett Wiese succumbed to his injuries, while Colton miraculously survived. Searching to find a silver lining, Lewis teamed up with friends to develop a legacy project that would both honor Brett along with attempt to mitigate this traumatic event from reoccurring in others lives.

The Balance Foundation was founded on the principle of constantly aspiring to live a balanced lifestyle. It is an organization that cares about people first, particularly youth, and aims to assist them in their development into young adults. We recognize that to be happy, you need to be healthy and that is why sport plays such an important role in our lives as both a form of exercise, but also a method of teaching us some of our most important life skills. Part of living a balanced lifestyle is learning what you can and can’t control. We cannot always control the situation of which we were born into or that sometimes tragic events can occur when we least expect them. What we can control is how we react to these experiences, and that is by learning perseverance.

At the Balance Foundation we believe that we can make the world a better place, by making our own communities stronger and more perseverant. This starts by connecting youth with caring adults who can help them; in finding purpose, in climbing out of poverty, in developing important life skills and in escaping a life of crime.